Home > Artworks > Reynaldo Guillermo Rivera Rondon

Photo of Reynaldo Guillermo  Rivera Rondon Peru

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I am a native of the city of Tacna, lived in the city of Arequipa, Moquegua and then when I was nioa the 8 years my parents took me to Lima and stayed there until this day, I am currently in the Vinatea asociocion reinoso in the district of Miraflores, I think my paintings are all over the world, will never develop a paint job that is not, thank God, he never abandoned me on the way to my destination which is the artistic...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2022, Abstracto
  • 2022, Abstracto
  • 2022, Calido
  • 2022, Calido
  • 2022, Bicentenario de America
  • 2022, peru Libre
  • 2019, Licenciado en Artes Plásticas

Awards received

  • 2021, Premio s la creacion
  • 2021, Premio Repsol
  • 2021, Premio Repsol
  • 2019, agua

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See everything we offer you!
47.24 x 27.56 in
47.24 x 19.69 in
62.99 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 0.16 in
62.99 x 27.56 in
47.24 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
62.99 x 27.56 in
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I am a native of the city of Tacna, lived in the city of Arequipa, Moquegua and then when I was nioa the 8 years my parents took me to Lima and stayed there until this day, I am currently in the Vinatea asociocion reinoso in the district of Miraflores, I think my paintings are all over the world, will never develop a paint job that is not, thank God, he never abandoned me on the way to my destination which is the artistic painting, and can not remember how many sold away or just leave them in my country many tourists visit from all parts of the world, and sites that I could not go but if my art, my paintings travel, to every site, I have clients who write to me and congratulated for my work other than me say that my paintings are in expositions and I did not know it, now I paint it every day, the day I do not work with my spatula I do not feel alive, the day I do not paint something that did not develop pictorial something that fills me I can not sleep thinking Therefore, my works are very different trends, as I am free and so I feel I do not feel pressured, like many artists who only work one way for fear of criticism or decreased sales, instead I paint what is I fancy at the moment, I feel free trend, and tied alos see colors, red ocher, warm in my homeland, ochres and blues you see all your classes, I paint my countrywomen plump and full of life upright should be, not submissive, strengths, which are full of color, and joy, I feel my paintings is my own feeling to be honest I feel great, develop and constantly trying to change its shape and design, now almost I can not paint with a brush as I am with severe arthritis and so I paint the spatula, and discovered the nobility of this, you can do many things and pictorial projects, change shape and color because of its subtlety of form, I do not currently expositions, not ke not of opportunity is because sometimes we condition the galleries and that\'s one way to sell art, and many times as you mean to express that theme that you do want to see otherwise, I see artists as they are trying to find who sells to follow in his footsteps so imitating what others do and not be themselves, I think my paintings are a reflection of my daily work, they can speak more than any other critical or honorary mentions or awards etc, even me, that is aside, I decided to work and not be rewarded, only admired by the color of my works, often say, I\'m going to inspire, I think the art as many materials is a constant and dedicated daily work, no inspiration and if there is uncommitted to see you\'ve just created a work well done, bohemia has no place in the research work, we seem to have very little life, porder do so much, always short of time and fatigue sometimes a negative factor in my daily work, I labor all my life and still develop much more, still do not know yet what I can do this later, always looking colors, life and Meneses emotional.

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